Admissions open for the session 2024-25
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Transport & Entrance To School Building


  • Buses operating at 50% capacity.
  • Students of classes IX-XII should enter Secondary School from gate-1.


  • Students of Class VI-XII should enter through the block 1, main entrance from school bus area.
  • 8.00 am – 8.30 am.
  • Parents are not permitted in the school building without prior appointment.



  • Parents to take student's temperature prior to leaving home.
  • No Secondary parents permitted in the school building.
R.P singh

Staff & Students

  • Temperature screening will be done twice, in the morning and as well as in the noon.
  • If temperature is >980, students and staff will not be permitted to enter the school.
  • All staff are mandated to wear masks at all times inside the school from entry.
  • Staff who are in direct contact with children are encouraged to wear masks / face shields.
  • All students are mandated to wear masks at all times inside the school from entry.
  • Students will be allowed to take their masks off when eating or drinking or exercising.
In The Classrooms
  • All furniture set up to maintain physical distancing of at least 1.5 meter per student in each classroom
  • One student – One desk – One chair
  • Adapted use of stationery and educational equipment
Common Areas
  • Provision to ensure the 2 meter distancing measure is maintained in all common areas, school ground etc.
  • One-way movement around corridors wherever possible
  • Use of activity rooms and staffrooms regulated as per guidelines.
R.P singh


In The Classrooms
  • Each Grade has been assigned a designated zone in the school building to minimize mixing of groups
  • The majority of lessons will be in the Homeroom classroom
  • Students only leave the classroom for specialist subjects such as PHE, Music, Drama, Art, Design and 1:1 inclusion
Break and Lunchtime
  • Designated zones per Grade during Break and Lunchtime
  • No mixing of Grades at Break and Lunchtime
  • 2 m distancing rule
  • Equipment appropriately cleaned and sanitized
Distance Learning
  • Defined as temporary by KHDA; for health reasons
  • Our first priority is face to face learning
  • We would only recommend this option for families with medical and other extenuating circumstances
  • We recommend that all students attend school physically in order to optimize their learning experience, continue their social and mental development
  • The Secondary Learning Platform will remain as Teams
  • Lessons will be planned and shared on Teams
  • Students that have medical conditions or extenuating circumstances will be able to access Teams remotely
  • All class work will be completed in the Class notebook in Teams
  • Formative and summative tasks submitted on Managua
  • Weekly tasks on Teams
Priti Ojha


End of the Day 3:30pm
  • Students will depart through Gate 3 exit
  • Any student waiting for their parent will be able to wait in the Atrium but must be seated in the socially distanced floor markings on the stairs
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